莎士比亞悲劇之一:哈姆雷特 (劇中人物分析)
有誰可以告訴我在Hemlet中的 Laertes、 Horatio、 King Claudius 、 Queen Gertrdue、 Polonius 這些角色分析?? 謝謝~~ 最好有中英文版 !! 感激
請您仔細研讀King Claudius: An ambitious and deceitful murderer
Claudius secretly assassinated his brother
King Hamlet
to steal his crown and his queen. While King Hamlet slumbered in his orchard
Claudius poured a deadly poison in his ear. With Hamlet's death ruled accidental
Claudius took the throne and hastily married Queen Gertrude
his brother's widow. Aware of young Fortinbras' intent to forcefully reclaim land lost to Denmark
Claudius dispatches ambassadors to Norway with a letter instructing the King to suppress young Fortinbras' (Prince of Norway) advance. Gloomy young Hamlet is a pest and a danger to Claudius. In secret letters written to the English King
Claudius unsuccessfully orders Prince Hamlet's murder. Hamlet stages 'The Mousetrap' play - a close re-enactment of King Hamlet's murder - to prod Claudius' guilty conscience. The horrified King stops the performance and attempts to pray for forgiveness. However
because he still possesses his crown
his queen
and his ambition
the guilt-ridden murderer knows that his repentance is insincere. Prince Hamlet nearly kills Claudius as he prays
but stops himself when he realizes that death during prayer sends the confessor's soul directly to heaven. King Claudius concocts a plan to slay Hamlet through a rigged fencing competition. The set-up turns into a royal massacre. Claudius dies from his own treachery when Hamlet slashes him with a poisoned rapier.
King Claudius,King Hamlet,Prince Hamlet,Queen Gertrude,Claudius,Fortinbras,English King,queen,Hamlet,Queen Gertrdue